PlanogramBuilder Version Comparison

See in details which version best suits your requirements

PlanogramBuilder version
Installation and Updates Light Full  
Works on any PC with Internet o o
Quick and easy setup o o
Unattended installation possible o o
Latest software updates included in subscription o o
No need to install any server or database o o
Can be upgraded to Full version (no downgrade from Full to Light) o
Access and Security Light Full 
Worldwide access from any Web connected PC o o
Encrypted data transfer (https with http/2) o o
Unlimited number of users and projects o o
Secured access granted only to authorized users o o
Different access rights for specific types of users o o
Database backup and restore o o
Planogram projects backup and restore o o
Collaborative features Light Full 
Common product database for all co-workers o o
Send editable planograms to co-workers worldwide o o
Template and shared planogram projects instantly available to co-workers o o
Merging of several projects together o o
Display Light Full 
2D front view o o
High quality detailed visuals o o
Products can be shown with text labels for quick identification o o
Interactive zoom and pan o o
Show dimension lines o o
Show flow direction o o
3D interactive view from any angle o
Interactive walk mode o
User adjustable floor Grid (with snap) o
Planogram overlay on photo with perspective match o
Lighting direction and intensity o
Adjustable field of view o
3D stereo viewing for anaglyph glasses o
Common Editing Features Light Full 
Drag & drop planogram creation o o
Interactive real-time editing and preview o o
Intelligent physical constraints (collisions, auto-snap, etc.) o o
Selection with rectangle, mouse click and modifiers (Shift, Ctrl) o o
List of items in your planogram o o
Multiple undo's and redo's o o
Room Light Full 
3D sales room simulation with parametric elements: o
Floors o
Walls o
Ceilings o
Predefined supplied material library (ex: bricks, hardwood floors, tiles) o
Create your own materials by importing images (floor plans, materials) o
Bays Light Full 
2D bays o o
Save bays as projects / templates for reusal o o
Delete bays and individual bay elements o o
Parametric bays with precise dimensionning o o
Support for multiple adjacent and non-adjacent bays o o
Move bays and individual bay elements o o
Intelligent bay scaling (preserve thicknesses while scaling) o o
Space bay elements evenly (horizontally, vertically) o o
Align bay elements (top, bottom, left, right) o o
Apply colors and pictures onto bay elements o o
Backwalls (includes adjustable pegboards and slat walls) o o
Shelves o o
Side panels and dividers (for pigeon holes, etc.) o o
3D bays o
Free bay positionning and orientation o
Bay base o
Bay top panel o
Slanted shelves o
Transparent bay elements o
Adjustable peg length o
Adjust the number of facings-deep per shelf o
Products Light Full 
2D products o o
Parametric products stored in database o o
Classification with 3 customizable levels (Ex: category, brand, product line) o o
Listings with thumbnail views o o
Search and filter by name, sku, etc. o o
Shelved products o o
Stacked products (including nesting) o o
Pegged products o o
Move o o
Rotate o o
Copy o o
Delete o o
Align multiple items (top, bottom, left, right) o o
Space mutiple items evenly (horizontally, vertically) o o
Pack multiple items on shelf (left, center, right) o o
Space multiple items to fill shelf width o o
Mirror multiple items horizontally o o
Highlight disabled items o o
3D products o
Automatic repetition of products along depth, based on shelf / peg length o
Manual override of number of items in depth o
Adjustable gap between items in depth o
Align facings to front / back of shelf / peg o
Accessories and other non-sellable items Light Full 
2D accessories o o
Parametric items stored in database o o
Listings with thumbnail views and sorting by classification o o
Search and filter by name, sku, etc. o o
Product testers (auto placement in front of selleable products) o o
Shelf strips (auto snap on shelf front edge) o o
Panels (auto snap on back panel. Ex: posters) o o
Stickers (auto snap on strips or shelves. Ex: product cards) o o
Bay Headers (auto snap over back panel) o o
Move o o
Copy o o
Delete o o
3D accessories o
OnDisplay (Out-of-box items) o
Aisle dividers (auto-snap to shelf front edge) o
Price tags (with automatic display of product price) o
Business Intelligence Light Full 
Schematic view with various display options o o
Colored highlights by category, brand, or any other property values o o
In the catalog, identify products already used in the current planogram o o
Import planograms from spreadsheets o
Import pricing and sales from spreadsheets (buying price, retail price, tax rate, units sold) o
Assortment analysis and filters: o
   Performance criteria (markup, quantity sold and retail value) o
   Assortment filters (product classification, pareto threshold) o
Project analysis based on a wide choice of metrics: o
   Space metrics: Linear space, Front surface, Volume used o
   Price and sales metrics: Retail price, Buying price, Sales tax rate, Quantity sold o
   On shelf and calculated metrics: Markup, Profit margin, Retail value , Wholesale value o
   Metrics modulation: per sku, Per front facing, Per front surface, Per linear space, Per volume used o
   View analysis results as: onscreen tables, product highlights and labels, reports o
Publishing Light Full 
Planogram reports in Microsoft Excel and Web compatible format o o
Layout options (page size, font type, size and color, resolution, etc.) o o
High resolution images output ready for printing up to poster size o o
Include orthographic images in reports (project and bays, realistic and schematics) o o
Include perspective images in reports (project and bays, realistic and schematics) o
Customizable Product and Shelf Tool listing with: o o
   Thumbnails o o
   Bay name(s) o o
   Position o o
   Shelf / row numbering o o
   reference (ex: sku, ean) o o
   classification (category, brand, product line, etc.) o o
   name o o
   12 Custom properties (ex: weight, region, etc.) o o
   Image filename o o
   Number of facings wide (with totals) o o
   Number of facings high (with totals) o o
   Width o o
   Height o o
   Behavior (shelved, pegged, stacked; bay header, shelf strip, etc.) o o
   Linear space [cm] (with totals) o o
   Linear space [%] (with totals) o o
   Facings area (with totals) o o
   Facings area [%] (with totals) o o
   Shape o
   Number of facings deep (with totals) o
   Capacity (with totals) o
   Depth o
   Buying price o
   Retail price (tax excl.) o
   Retail price (tax incl.) o
   Sales tax rate o
   Project analysis value o
   Wholesale value (with totals) o
   Retail value (with totals) o
   Profit margin o
   Volume used (with totals) o
   Volume used [%] (with totals) o
Content Management Light Full 
Planogram projects repository with title, date, user, etc. o o
Projects backup and restore o o
Optional multi-database structure with common and separate repositories o o
Built-in database editor for products and accessories o o
Batch import and update items into database from spreadsheets and image files o o
Database updates instantly visible to all co-workers o o
Database backup and restore o o
Standard parameters for database items: o o
   3 level classification (category, brand, product line, etc.) o o
   Reference (ex: sku, ean) o o
   Name o o
   12 custom properties (ex: weight, region, etc.) o o
   Width, Height o o
   Behavior (pegged, stackable, tester, shelf strip, bay header, etc.) o o
   Color o o
   Main image (ex: front image) (jpg, png, bmp, etc.) o o
   Image transparency support (alpha channel) o o
   Depth o
   Multiple images per item (ex: side or top) (jpg, png, bmp, etc.) o
   3D shapes (box, bag, pouch, can, blister, etc.) o
Automatic generation of 3D items based on dimensions, shape and image(s) o
Import your own 3D shapes for non-standard items (*.3ds format) o
Direct read and write connexion between the database and your internal system with our API o
Internationalization Light Full 
Metric and Imperial units support o o
Choice of German, English, French, Italian, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian and Spanish o o
Support for non-latin characters (unicode) o o
Included support
User manual o o
Video tutorials o o
Free email support o o
Free phone or Skype support (standard phone rates apply if you call) o o
Free remote assistance o o

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