Project analysis

The goal of Project analysis is to display in real-time (i.e. updated continuously when building a planogram) various metrics based on your product properties, your planogram arrangement and real-world market data such as pricing and sales.

This enables you to check your planogram performance as a whole and per product.


Here is a typical workflow to analyze your current project:

  1. Perform analysis.
  2. Adjust Base value and Modulation.
  3. See the complete results in the Results log (Project analysis).
  4. Optionally also display the analysis results as various indications on screen:

Examples of combinations displaying the analysis results as colored highlights, with product labels and in schematic mode:









Commands (Project analysis)

Perform analysis

Toggles the activation of the analysis calculations.

Note: the analysis is performed for each product reference found in the current project. If a given product reference is found at several locations in your planogram, the analysis result for this product combines all its occurrences.

Parameters (Project analysis)

The analysis can be configured with the parameters below.

Base value

This drop-down list lets you choose the main criteria to perform the project analysis.


Depending on Base value, you can modulate the analysis result to take into account the quantity on shelf or the space used by the products in your current project.

This is useful for example to perform space versus sales analysis.

(None) (Project analysis)

Shows the direct results of the analysis selected in Base value (no modulation applied).

Per front facing

Divides the results of Base value by the number of products in the block seen from the front.


Result of analysis (Base value)


Facings wide × Facings high


Result (Per front facing)

Per linear space

Divides the results of Base value by the width used by the product block.


Result of analysis (Base value)


Linear space [Measurement unit]


Result of analysis (Per linear space)

Per front surface

Divides the results of Base value by the front surface used by the product block.


Result of analysis (Base value)


Front surface [Measurement unit2]


Result of analysis (Per front surface)

Per volume used

Divides the results of Base value by the volume used by the product block.


Result of analysis (Base value)


Volume used [Measurement unit3]


Result of analysis (Per volume used)


Results log (Project analysis)

This is the text area where results of the analysis are shown, listing one product per line with its value.



The total and average values for your project are also displayed on the last line when applicable.

The text color of each line represents the product value on a graded scale, using the same colors as when highlighting products based on the analysis results (Highlight by… > Project analysis value).


Tip: you can zoom in/out in the log window using Ctrl + mouse wheel. The default zoom level is reset upon task switching.


Log context menu (Project analysis)

Right-click in the log area to see its context menu.



The following tools and options are available:

Tip: to preserve the text colors and format when you paste the analysis results in another application, choose the paste methods labeled Rich Text Format, formatted text RTF or Keep format.

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