Tools and commands (Project
item list)
There are many options to change the way the
list of items is displayed.
This is done from its toolbar, from its
context menu, and directly from within the list.

Project item list: toolbar

Project item list: context
- The menu item named Content choice is not
described in the section below. Consult the dedicated section in
this guide: Content choice
(Project item list).
- The list can be used as a tool to select
products and accessories in your project. This and other selection
methods are described in the dedicated section of this guide:
(Edit products and accessories).
You can group items in the list by any
available item property.
When using groups, sub-totals per group are
also displayed for applicable columns (percentages and numeric
To toggle grouping of the items in Project
item list, there are two methods:
- Click on the button named Group above
the item list:
- When the button is pressed, your items are
grouped in the list.
- When the button is not pressed, your items
are not grouped n the list.
Context menu:
- Right-click anywhere within the list pane to
show its context menu.
- Click on Group in the menu to toggle
- When the menu text is black, your items are
grouped in the list.
- When the text is grayed-out, your items are
not grouped in the list.
- The current grouping status is kept until the
current user changes it.
- The chosen grouping status can be saved and
reloaded with Presets.
Group by…
To select by which property the items are
grouped in Project item list:
- Activate Group.
- Then, use one of the two available methods:
- Button: click on the text on the right
of the button (
) above the item list.
- Context menu: right-click on the list
to show its context menu, then click on Group by… in the menu.
- A dialog appears with the list of available
properties to group items.
- Click on the property your items should be
grouped by, for example Bay number.
- The list of items is now grouped by Bay
number, as indicated by the text on the right of the button
- The current grouping property is normally
kept until the current user changes it.
- If the chosen grouping property is not
available, Bay number is used for grouping.
- The chosen grouping property can be saved and
reloaded with Presets.
- If you group items by Bay name or by
Bay number, Position
count re-starts at 1 for each group.
- The screenshot in Project item list shows
the list grouped by Bay name.
- The screenshot in Highlight by… Category
shows the list grouped by Category.
Group sort order
To toggle the sorting direction of the groups
in the list:
- Activate Group.
- Click on the small arrow on the right of
grouping icon and property above the item list.
- When the arrow points up, the groups are
sorted in alphanumeric order from lowest to highest value.
- When the arrow points down, the groups are
sorted in alphanumeric order from highest to lowest value.
Expand all
groups / Collapse all groups
To expand / collapse all groups in the
- Right-click anywhere within the list pane to
show its context menu.
- Click on respectively Expand all
groups / Collapse all groups.
You can highlight items in Project item list and
Visualization area
by any available item property and several calculated values, for
example space usage per product in your project.
Highlights are applied onto items in the
following way:
- A distinct color is applied to each distinct
value. This gives a visual indicator of which value items
- A red color is applied to items which values
for the selected property are not checkmarked (No).
- A green color is applied to items which
values for the selected property are checkmarked (Yes).
- A color from a range between red and green is
allocated to each item based on its value relative to the minimum
and maximum item values found in your planogram. In this case, the
applied colored range also appears at the top of the visualization
area as a colored horizontal bar with sample values as a legend.
Highlighting items per measurable properties or calculated values
gives you a visual performance indicator.
To toggle highlighting of the items in Project
item list and Visualization area, there
are two methods:
- Click on the button named Highlight
above the item list:
- When the button is pressed, your items are
- When the button is not pressed, your items
are not highlighted.
Context menu:
- Right-click anywhere within the list pane to
show its context menu.
- Click on Highlight in the menu to
toggle grouping:
- When the menu text is black, your items are
- When the text is grayed-out, your items are
not highlighted.
- The current highlighting status is kept until
the current user changes it.
- The highlighting status can be saved and
reloaded with Presets.
To select by which property the items are
highlighted in Project item list and Visualization area:
- Activate Highlight.
- Then, use one of the two available methods:
- Button: click on the text on the right
of the button (
) above the item list.
- Context menu: right-click on the list
to show its context menu, then click on Highlight by… in the
- A dialog appears with the list of available
properties to highlight items.
- Click on the property your items should be
highlighted by, for example Category.
- The items are now highlighted by
Category, as indicated by the text on the right of the
button (
- The current highlighting property is normally
kept until the current user changes it.
- If the chosen highlighting property is not
available, Linear space
[Measurement unit] is used for highlighting.
- The chosen highlighting property can be saved
and reloaded with Presets.
Highlight by…
Items are highlighted with colors based on
their value for the following property: Category.

Products highlighted by Category
in Project item list

Products highlighted by Category
in Visualization area
Highlight by… Enabled
Items are highlighted in red or in green
depending on the status of the property named Enabled in your
Explanation: products and accessories can be
disabled in the database, so they aren’t displayed in the catalog.
However, if you open a project which contains disabled items, these
are loaded and display on your bays because they still exist in the
Highlighting these items in red helps you
quickly identify them in your current project.

Products highlighted by Enabled in
Project item list

Products highlighted by Enabled in
Visualization area
Note: If you disable items in the
database while they are in the currently opened project, the
disabled items will only be highlighted after reloading the
Highlight by…
Linear space [%]
Items are highlighted in red or in green
depending on the calculated Linear space
[%] per product in the opened project.
The color range helps you quickly visualize
the space used by each product.

Products highlighted by Linear space
[%] in Project item list

Products highlighted by Linear space
[%] in Visualization area
To sort the items in the list according to a
desired column content:
- Click on the desired column header in the
list of items, for example Position.
- Click again to invert the sort order.
To sort the list groups (if any) in the
desired order:
- Click on the group header next to the group
icon, for example Bay number.
- Click again to invert the sort order.
To re-arrange the order of columns in the
- drag any column header left or right to the
desired position.
This feature lets you save and apply multiple
preferred parameters for the list. This is very useful to quickly
switch between various types of lists to display on screen or to
include in reports.
The following list parameters are stored in
the presets:
Create a preset
To save the current list configuration as a
- Right-click anywhere within the list pane to
show its context menu.
- Move your mouse cursor over Presets in
the menu.
- Click on Save as.
- In the list toolbar, next to Preset,
type the desired name for the current list configuration.
- Click on Save.
- The current list configuration is now saved
and available for re-use.
Apply a preset
To apply a previously saved preset:
- In the list toolbar, next to Preset,
click on the preset list to expand it.
- Select the desired preset to apply it.
Delete a preset
To delete a previously saved preset:
- In the list toolbar, next to Preset,
click on the preset list to expand it.
- Select the preset you want to delete.
- Right-click anywhere within the project item
- A context menu is displayed.
- Move your mouse cursor over Presets in
the menu.
- Click on Delete to delete the current
Layout of the pane of the
You can move and resize the entire pane of the
Position of the list
To move the pane to a different location on
- Right-click anywhere within the Project Item
List panel to show its context menu.
- Move your mouse cursor on
- Click on Left, Right, Top or
- The Project Item List is now placed in the
selected location.
Size of the pane of the
To resize the pane on the screen:
- Place the mouse cursor on the separation line
between the list pane and the visualization area. The cursor turns
into a double-ended arrow.
- Drag the separation line to the desired
location on screen.
- The pane is now resized.
Note: if some columns don't fit in the
list pane, you can use the horizontal scrollbar to view them.