Tools and commands (Modify bays)

The object editing toolbar contains several tools and commands to work with shelving in your planogram.



Some additional commands that also apply to most objects can be found in another toolbar described in General edit commands:


All the tools and commands to work with shelving are also available in Main Menu > Edit:

image image 

The tools and commands which are specific to Modify bays are described below.

Free bay placement

Specifies whether bays can be positioned and oriented freely in the current project.



Example with Free bay placement checkmarked



Example with Free bay placement not checkmarked


Warning: Unchecking Free bay placement in a project that contains freely positioned bays will reposition all bays to be aligned and adjacent to each other. If you accidentally do this, you can recover the changes with Undo (Edit).


Edit bays

This tool lets you select whole bays to perform various operations such as editing their properties, moving and copying them.



Select (Edit bays)

Bays can be selected and manipulated as whole entities.

  1. Click on Edit bays in the toolbar or in the main menu > Edit.


  1. Select bays:

                                         i.    hold the Ctrl key and click on them.

                                        ii.    or draw a rectangle with your mouse pointer across the desired bays.

  1. Selected bays become highlighted in blue. You can then perform several tasks such as deleting, moving, changing dimensions, etc. You can also change common parameters on all parts of the selected bays. For example, assign one color to all components without having to select each component separately.
  2. To deselect bays, click on empty zone of visualization area.

Move (Edit bays)

You can move bays with the mouse.

  1. Click on Edit bays in the toolbar or in the main menu > Edit.


  1. Select the bays to move. They become highlighted and a move pointer is displayed.
  2. Press and hold the mouse button with the pointer over a selected bay and drag the mouse to the desired new position.
  3. Release the mouse button.

The way the bays are moved depends on the state of Free bay placement:







Note: Dragging is convenient for quick mouse editing but you can also specify precise position values in the parameters of Selected bays:

Copy by moving (Edit bays)

You can copy bays with the mouse.

  1. Click on Edit bays in the toolbar or in the main menu > Edit.


  1. Select the bays to move. They become highlighted and a move pointer is displayed.
  2. Press and hold the Ctrl key and the mouse button with the pointer over a selected bay and drag the mouse to the desired new position.
  3. Release the mouse button.


The way the bays are copied depends on the state of Free bay placement:


Note: Copying bays with your mouse is convenient for quickly duplicating bays. You can later reposition them precisely with the parameters of Selected bays:

Resize (Edit bays)

Bays can be resized with the mouse.

  1. Click on Edit bays in the toolbar or in the main menu > Edit.


  1. Select the bays to move. They become highlighted with round handles.


  1. Grab a handle with the mouse button and drag it until your bays reach the desired size. The corner handles let you resize in two directions, while the handles at the middle of edges let you constrain resizing to one direction.


  1. Release the mouse button. The bays are resized. Note that shelf and panel spacing is automatically recalculated while maintaining the thickness of such components.


Tip: With View dimensions checkmarked, you can display the dimensions of the resizing rectangle while resizing. This is useful if you know in advance the space to allocate to the bays:



Tip: With View dimensions checkmarked, you can also display the actual exact dimensions used by all bays:



Note: Handles are convenient for quick mouse resizing, but you can also specify precise dimension values in the parameters of Selected bays:

Free bay placement



Edit bay components

This tool lets you select bay components (individual part of the bays) to perform various operations such as editing their properties, moving and copying them.


Select (Edit bay components)

You can select each bay component separately and perform various operations such as editing the components and their properties or moving and copying components.

  1. Click on Edit bay components in the toolbar or in the main menu > Edit.


  1. Select bay components:
    • To select one component, click on it in the visualization area.
    • To select multiple components:
      • hold the Ctrl key and click on them.
      • or draw a rectangle with your mouse pointer across the desired components.
  2. Selected components become highlighted in blue. You can then perform several tasks such as deleting, moving, changing dimensions, etc. You can also change common parameters for selected components (consult the list of parameters in Selected bay components). For example, assign one color to several components.

To deselect bay components, click on an empty zone of the visualization area.

Note: you can select multiple components each belonging to different bays.

Move (Edit bay components)

You can move selected bay components laterally or vertically with your mouse:

  1. Click on Edit bay components in the toolbar or in the main menu > Edit.


  1. Select bay components to move. They become highlighted and a move pointer is displayed.
  2. Press and hold the mouse button and move the mouse to the desired position. The displacement is constrained either vertically or laterally depending on your pointer motion.
  3. Release the mouse button when you are happy with the new position.




Tip: Dragging is convenient for quick mouse editing but you can also specify precise position values in the parameters of Selected bay components:

Copy (Edit bay components)

You can copy selected bay components with the mouse.

  1. Click on Edit bay components in the toolbar or in the main menu > Edit.


  1. Select bay components to copy. They become highlighted and a move pointer is displayed.
  2. Press the mouse button while holding the Ctrl key and drag the pointer to the desired position.

Tip: Copying bay components with your mouse is convenient for quickly duplicating shelves or other panels. You can later reposition them precisely with the parameters of Selected bay components:

Distance to bottom

Resize (Edit bay components)

You can resize bay components with the mouse.

  1. Click on Edit bay components in the toolbar or in the main menu > Edit.


Select bay components to copy. They become highlighted with round handles. If the round handles do not appear on the selected components, use Zoom to enlarge them on screen. image

  1. Grab one of the handles with the mouse button and drag it until your components reach the desired size. The corner handles let you resize in two directions, while the handles at midpoint along edges let you constrain resizing to one direction.


  1. Release the mouse button.


Tip: With View dimensions checkmarked, you can display the dimensions of the resizing rectangle while resizing. This is useful if you know in advance the space to allocate to the bay components:



Tip: With View dimensions checkmarked, you can also display the actual exact dimensions used by all bay components:



Note: Handles are convenient for quick mouse resizing, but you can also specify precise dimension values in the parameters of Selected bay components:

Align and space (Selected bay components)

You can apply various spacing and alignment presets to a group of selected bay components. For example, you can select multiple shelves and space them all evenly vertically.


  1. Click on Edit bay components on the toolbar or in Main Menu > Edit.


  1. Select the desired bay components. They become highlighted and a move pointer is displayed.
  2. Click on one of the align commands on the object editing toolbar or in Main Menu > Edit> Align and space.
  3. Selected bay components are aligned accordingly as described below.

Align left (Selected bay components)

Align the selected objects horizontally to their leftmost edge.


Image on the left: Before alignment

Image on the right: Align left (Selected bay components)

Center horizontally (Selected bay components)

Align the selected objects to their horizontal center.


Image on the left: Before alignment

Image on the right: Center horizontally (Selected bay components)

Align right (Selected bay components)

Align the selected objects horizontally to their rightmost edge.


Image on the left: Before alignment

Image on the right: Align right (Selected bay components)

Align top (Selected bay components)

Align the selected objects vertically to their topmost edge.


Image on the left: Before alignment

Image on the right: Align top (Selected bay components)

Center vertically (Selected bay components)

Align the selected objects to their vertical center.


Image on the left: Before alignment

Image on the right: Center vertically (Selected bay components)Align top (Selected bay components)

Align bottom (Selected bay components)

Align the selected objects vertically to their lowest edge.


Image on the left: Before alignment

Image on the right: Align bottom (Selected bay components)

Space horizontally (Selected bay components)

Distribute the selected objects horizontally with an equal gap between them without changing the total space used.


Image on the left: Before spacing

Image on the right: Space horizontally (Selected bay components)

Space vertically (Selected bay components)

Distribute the selected objects vertically with an equal gap between them without changing the total space used.


Image on the left: Before spacing

Image on the right: Space vertically (Selected bay components)


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