The toolbar includes the following buttons:
They are also available in Main Menu > View:
Toggles displaying the list of products and accessories in your current planogram. Consult the description of this pane in the dedicated section: Project item list.
Note: The list can also be closed by clicking on the cross icon in its upper right corner.
This command resizes and repositions all the user interface panes to their default values.
Toggles a special display mode showing all the products and accessories in your project as a simplified, schematic view.
Example 1 of Schematic view
Example 2 of Schematic view
Important note: There are several options to configure Schematic view. Consult Schematic view (Settings) and to Schematic view / Generic products / Dimensions for instructions and examples of these options.
With this tool, you can adjust the size of labels with your mouse.
To set the text size back to its default value:
Tip: You can also set the font size value precisely with the following setting: Label font height. That section also explains in detail which label texts are affected by this tool.
Toggles highlighting the products which physically overlap other items or bay components.
It is especially useful to identify overlaps in your project if you have disabled Collisions (Settings), because in this case items can easily be mistakenly placed partially over other items.
Example of Highlight overlaps
Toggles the visibility of bay components of type: Front panel. Hiding front panels allows selecting and editing products behind the panels, for example in case you have glass doors on a cooler. You can then display the front panels once all items behind are positioned.
Note: Consult Front panel (New bay components) for details on such bay components.
Toggles displaying the actual hooks of pegged products. Showing the hooks can help visualizing where the peg is located exactly, including any offset.
Example of View peg hooks
Toggles the display of dimension lines and values for the objects in your planogram.
Showing dimensions assists you when placing products, building or resizing shelving and room elements.
Note: You can configure various options for display of dimensions in Settings. Consult Schematic view / Generic products / Dimensions.
Depending on the context, various dimensions are displayed on screen:
By default, the overall width and height are shown for each isolated bay and each group of adjacent bays:
Additionally, for each bay with at least one selected shelf, vertical shelf measures are shown. And for each bay with at least one Dividing panel selected, lateral distances between each Dividing panel are displayed, as shown below:
The dimensions of any bay, bay component or block of products are also displayed when clicking on one of its round handles in the corresponding editing mode, as shown below:
Note: a dimension is only displayed if the viewing angle and the available space allows. If you can’t see a desired dimension, use Zoom, Pan tools to adjust the view accordingly.
Toggles the drawing of edge lines on objects. This is useful to help distinguish each product and bay component in your planograms.
If checkmarked, the edges are drawn for the following cases and objects:
Above example:
Above example:
Toggles the display of arrows indicating Flow direction at the base of each bay in your project. This command has no effect on bays for which Flow direction hasn't been defined. Consult Flow direction for details on how to set the flow direction for your bays.
This command toggles the full screen mode.
In this mode, the planogram visualization is maximized to fill the whole screen.
You can still use commands for Edit, View and Navigation from the toolbars and from the main context menu.
You can also still use Mouse & keyboard shortcuts to perform any supported actions.