Next learning steps

Once you have tested PlanogramBuilder with our sample items, you can start working with your own products and bays.

We advise you to proceed in the following order:

  1. Set regional parameters for the application if not already done (Language, Measurement unit).
  2. Personalize the application look (Application title, Application logo).
  3. Configure your database (Item classification properties (Settings), Project classification properties (Settings), Item custom properties (Settings)).
  4. Learn how to add your own products and accessories (Database).
  5. Work with shelving (Create bays, Modify bays)
  6. Navigate in the planogram viewing area (Navigation).
  7. Place items on shelves (Products, Accessories, Item Info).
  8. See your planogram content as text (Project item list).
  9. Control the look and the content of your planograms displayed on screen (View).
  10. Manage planograms (Projects).
  11. Output your planograms as PDF, Excel, etc. (Publish).
  12. Finally, explore more advanced features, such as:


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