This pane displays all the accessories
available for planogramming. This is where you can select and drag
accessories onto shelving.
Source (Catalog of
Two catalogs of accessories are available,
using radio buttons for the choice:
examples (Catalog of accessories)
This catalog contains a set of sample
accessories provided with the software. They are useful to test the
application before adding your own accessories.
Personal (Catalog of
This catalog contains the accessories added to
your database by yourself or by your colleagues.
Consult Database to see how to add your
accessories to your PlanogramBuilder database.
Classification (Catalog of
On the left side of the pane, your items are
listed in a hierarchical menu with 3 levels.
Please consult Classification (Catalog of
products) for instructions since it works the same.
Search by text (Catalog of
Just above the catalog thumbnails, a text box
lets you type text to search and display matching items.
Please consult Search by text (Catalog of
products) for instructions since it works the same.
List (Catalog of
The right side of the catalog pane displays
the list of accessories corresponding to the selected
classification values or text search..
Each accessory is represented by a thumbnail
and a text description.
Adding accessories to a
To place an accessory from the catalog into
your current planogram:
- Find the desired accessory in the catalog
using the classification or the text filters.
- Hold the mouse button down and
drag the accessory to the desired location on the bay:
- Accessories with the following behaviors must
be dragged onto Back panel: bay header, panel. Consult each
behavior description for details on where exactly the accessory can
be placed on the back panel.
- Release the mouse button once you have
reached the desired location. The accessory is placed on the
- Once an accessory has been placed in your
planogram, its thumbnail background changes to a lighter color in
the catalog, helping you identify the items already used:
- There are times when you may want to
temporarily disable collisions to avoid displacing other items
while placing n accessory. Hold the C key pressed while
dragging the item to achieve this. Collisions can also be entirely
disabled in Collisions
(Settings), or for specific accessories in Collisions (Item
properties) in case they must overlap.
- If you have room elements in your project,
you may want to hide them while working with products, so the walls
are not blocking the view of shelving (consult View the
- Margins have no effect on accessories in
(Selected shelves) and in Parameters (Selected
back panels): accessories can always be placed on the whole
surface of shelves and back panels.
- Max. of products on
width has no effect on accessories: you can place as many as
will fit on the shelves or back panel.