Visual Merchanding Software
June 2013

We are pleased to announce Release 28 of PlanogramBuilder, our 3D online planogramming software, including the following updates:

Enhanced Bays

Several new features have been added providing better flexibility for fixtures.
  • Assigning and displaying images on any Bay
  • Locking Shelf Tools in place on any Bay
  • Adding Bay Elements to Bays (shelves & front panels)
  • Editing Bay Elements after creation (shelves, back panel, front panels, side panels)
  • New Back Panel parameters with improved support for pegboards and slat walls
    • Specifying peg holes and slats increments
    • Snapping products according to the increment
    • Displaying the peg holes and slat separations
  • The old "Shelves" task is now renamed "Bay Elements" to reflect the changes

"SKU" task renamed to "Item Info" and enhanced

  • Setting values for multiple objects in one shot is now possible
  • New vertical and horizontal offset parameters per facing allow to precisely position pegged products
  • Shelf Tools information is now also displayed here

Enhanced reports in the Publish task

  • New "One page per bay" option to output reports in a more compact layout

Miscellaneous updates

  • New Redo command (Ctrl+Y key)
  • New "*" option in the Products and Shelf Tools catalog to display all items
  • New shortcut (Shift key) to toggle between pegged and on shelf mode when moving products with the Edit Item tool
  • New Color parameter to colorize Products and Shelf Tools when Batch Importing in the database
displaying images on bays
images on bays

slat walls
slat walls