Camera parameters

This panel gives access to precise parameters of the camera.

Here, you can change and save the current point of view, as well as apply a previously saved viewpoint.


Presets (Camera parameters)

List of presets (Camera parameters)

Camera presets allow you to save and retrieve saved viewpoints.

Two lists of presets are available for you to save and load presets:

Preset (Camera parameters)

A drop-down list where you can select a saved preset. If a saved preset is currently used, its name is displayed.

The content of the drop-down list depends on which preset list you selected. Consult List of presets (Camera parameters).

Loading a preset (Camera parameters)

  1. Choose the desired list of presets.
  2. The corresponding available saved presets are shown in the drop-down list.
  3. Select a preset in the drop-down list to load it.
  4. The viewpoint changes to match the loaded preset.

Saving a preset (Camera parameters)

  1. Adjust the camera to the desired viewpoint, using Navigation or Current camera parameters.
  2. Right-click anywhere within the camera parameter panel.
  3. In the context menu, choose Presets > Save as.
  4. Select in which list of presets you want to save your new preset.
  5. Type the name of the preset to save in the text box.
  6. Optionally, check Fit all:
    1. Checkmarked: this saves the current viewing orientation, the field of view angle and the value of orthographic toggle. However, when loading such saved preset, the view is reframed (zoomed in or out) to display the entire planogram on screen. When saved in the list named User presets, this is very convenient to view multiple planograms from a repeatable viewing angle.
    2. Not checkmarked: this saves all the camera parameters in the preset. Reloading such preset applies the exact viewpoint, including the distance to the planogram objects. Use this to save a precie viewpoint which you want to reuse.
  7. Click Save.
  8. The saved preset is now available in the drop-down list.

Deleting a preset (Camera parameters)

  1. Choose the desired list of presets.
  2. The corresponding available saved presets are shown in the drop-down list.
  3. Select a preset in the drop-down list to load it.
  4. Right-click anywhere within the camera parameter panel.
  5. In the context menu, choose Presets > Delete.

Current camera parameters

The bottom area of the panel lets you display and edit the current camera parameters.

Position Y (Camera parameters)

The position of the camera on the Y axis (lateral position) in the current measurement unit.

Tip: The position can also be defined with the mouse. Consult Tools and commands (Navigation).

Position Z (Camera parameters)

The position of the camera on the Z axis (height position) in the current measurement unit.

Tip: The position can also be defined with the mouse. Consult Tools and commands (Navigation).

Position X (Camera parameters)

The position of the camera on the X axis (depth) in the current measurement unit.

Tip: The position can also be defined with the mouse. Consult Tools and commands (Navigation).

Orientation (Camera parameters)

The rotation of the camera in degrees around its vertical axis (Z) (also called camera yaw).

Tip: The orientation can also be defined with the mouse. Consult Orbit.

Inclination (Camera parameters)

The angle of the camera in degrees around the horizontal axis (Y) (also called camera pitch).

Tip: The inclination can also be defined with the mouse. Consult Orbit.

Orthographic view (Camera parameters)

This performs the same function as the button named Orthographic view (Navigation tool).

Field of view (Camera parameters)

The opening angle of the camera field of view (FOV) in the visualization area. It is like changing the focal length of a lens on a real camera.

Tip: The field of view can also be defined with the mouse. Consult Field of view (Navigation tool).


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