Tutorial (Import project)
In this section you will find instructions to
test importing a project.
Note: this tutorial is designed to work
with the sample projects, products and shelf tools delivered with
PlanogramBuilder. If you have already deleted these sample items,
you will need to modify the sample import file to use your own
shelving and products.
You will do a simple import from Excel to
- Download the following file and save it on
your desktop: sample_files/import_project/import_project_sample_source_file.xlsx
- Launch PlanogramBuilder.
- Make sure that PlanogramBuilder is set to the
same language as this user guide.
- Click on the tab named Import project to access
this task.
- Click on Import as new
project on the bottom toolbar to open the file dialog.
- Select and Open the file you
downloaded at step 1 (project import sample input
- Click Yes in the warning box if you
need to save your current project, otherwise click No.
- Wait for the import to take place and see the
results in the visual area.
Now you will modify the Excel file to import
and see the resulting changes in real-time. You must complete
Part 1 of
this tutorial before following this part.
- In PlanogramBuilder, Import project, check
- Click No in the warning box: you don’t
need to save the project imported at Part 1.
- Click on Browse, select and
open the file named project import sample input
file.xlsx. You can already see the result of the import process
in the visualization area.
- Now launch your spreadsheet
application and open the input file (project import
sample input file.xlsx). Tip: Try to place
PlanogramBuilder and your Spreadsheet application side-by-side on
your screen or on two screens if you can. This will let you better
see the results of changes you will bring.
- In the spreadsheet, on line 3
change the value of Reference from fill width
to left.
- Save the Excel file. This will
automatically update the placement of your items in
PlanogramBuilder. You can see that all products are pushed to the
left and there is some remaining space on the right of the
- On line 21 (zv-0000000010), change the
value of Facings high from 1 to
3 to stack more tomatoes.
- Save the Excel file. This automatically
updates the planogram layout in PlanogramBuilder according to the
last changes made in Excel.
- You can continue to test various changes in
your spreadsheet, for example remove the line with
project, which references sample
empty bay. This will let PlanogramBuilder generate a bay
automatically instead.