January 2025 - What's new in PlanogramBuilder version 49 !
Installing / updating PlanogramBuilder
Attention: all users must update PlanogramBuilder before February 24, 2025.
- You can install the PlanogramBuilder update as a standard Windows user if allowed by company policy, but you may need IT assistance if a message pops up.
- If you can't complete the update yourself, make sure to ask your IT to install the update before the above date.
- Instructions and download links:
- Full version (3D): Install PlanogramBuilder
- Light version (2D): Install PlanogramBuilder Light
News about Shelves
- A series of varied premade shelving furniture is available as an alternative to building shelving with Create bays or Create a new bay with New bay components. This includes for example counters, tables and cold chests. *
- Bays can be resized a lot more efficiently, preserving some component dimensions while scaling others. This allows creating variations of bays very quickly. (for example starting from the new premade shelving furniture *)
- You can place products on shelves with much more freedom thanks to new types of shelves: Table top and Refrigerated chest *.
- New bays can be created directly by dragging a new component to an empty area in the visualization area.
- A new type of bay component has been added, ideal for posts, feet, etc.
- Rear margins can be defined for shelves. *
News about Room *
- Room elements can be resized with more control, preserving some element dimensions while scaling others. *
News about editing all objects
- When using any edit tool, double-click on an object to switch to its corresponding task and show its properties.
- Bays, Room elements *, bay components and products can now be moved in more directions with the mouse. The translation plane is based on the viewing angle and you can also constrain displacement to a single axis.
News about Schematic view
- Schematic view mode is now supported by accessories and testers.
- Schematic labels are automatically oriented and positioned based on the viewing angle. This enables seeing the labels in top view for example. *
- The direction of the text on labels is automatically adjusted (vertical / horizontal) based on the item proportions to allow more text to fit on the label.
News about Reports and Project item list
- Grouping and highlighting of items can be toggled with a single click.
- Choosing the criteria for grouping and highlighting items is now achieved more conveniently.
- The maximum dimensions of published images have been increased.
- The title of each report now include the date, project name and the number of bays.
News about Navigation
- It is now possible to precisely specify the viewpoints with Camera parameters. *
- Camera presets can be saved and retrieved. *
- New click functions are available for navigation tools.
- Eye level for the Walk tool can be specified. *
News about Projects
- Projects now have their own classification scheme, allowing to differentiate it from product classification.
- Project classification values are displayed in the list of projects with the ability to filter the list per classification values.
- The details of each project in the list have bigger thumbnails.
News about the user interface
- The application and the user guide are now available in Italian.
- The examples provided with the software are now shown in separate sections of each catalog, letting you switch and distinguish them from your own data.
- Tooltips for tools indicate mouse and keyboard usage when applicable.
- Users can now reset their password if a wrong password was entered.
- Features marked with * are not available in PlanogramBuilder Light version.
- You can find links to the descriptions of each improvement in the updated user guide: