June 2022 - What's new in PlanogramBuilder release 46 !
Project Item List
This new panel displays a list of the products and shelf tools in your project.
- Display any available item property and several computed values, such as totals.
- Group items in the list by any available property, with group expand/collapsing and sub-totals.
- Highlight items in the list by any available property.
- Sort the items in the list according to any desired column content.
- Set the order of columns in the list.
- Save and apply presets for your preferred list parameters.
- Move and resize the list panel on screen.
Report lists now reflect the same content and features as the new Project Item List, such as presets, grouping, highlighting and sorting.
- The columns choice for your reports is now made directly from the Project Item List. Note: after updating PlanogramBuilder, your previous column choices are transferred to the new Project Item List, so as to obtain the same report lists as before.
- In reports, all items in your project are now normally shown as a single list. A distinct list per bay can still be obtained by grouping items by Bay name or by Bay number in the Project Item List.
- New properties are available as report columns:
- Bay number
- Bay name
- Bay - Shelf
- Enabled
- Color
- Collisions
- Depth alignment *
- Width gap
- Height gap
- Depth gap *
- Lateral offset
- Vertical offset
- Simplified report pictures settings now use the current display settings for:
- Dimensions
- Edges
- Peg Hooks
- Flow Direction
- Room visibility
- Page margins can now be specified for reports.
- Highlight of products in the viewing area can be applied based on any value available in the new Project Item List. Ex: category
Other changes
- Multiple bays can be rotated as a group around the same center. *
- Some rarely-used features have been removed to simplify usage of the application
Note: Features marked with * are not available in PlanogramBuilder Light version.