This section explains how to download and
install PlanogramBuilder latest release.
Video tutorial on this topic: 1: Installing PlanogramBuilder
This is the suggested and standard setup
method for most users.
- Close PlanogramBuilder if you already
have a version opened. If you are updating PlanogramBuilder, you
don’t need to uninstall the old version: simply follow the next
steps; you will also retain all your data.
- Download the installer: click on the
following link or paste the link in your web browser address field:
- Run the installer after it has been
- Different options will be presented to you
depending on the following:
- If you install PlanogramBuilder for the first
time, you must choose an installation mode:
- Install for all users: this installs
the application for all Windows users on the computer. This choice
requires Windows administrator privileges. If you are a standard
Windows user, you must ask your IT to enter a Windows administrator
- Install for me only: this installs the
application for the current Windows user only. This installation
normally doesn’t require Windows administrator privileges. Your
organization may however prevent you from installing applications,
in which case you will have to ask your IT to perform the
- If you are updating PlanogramBuilder from an
older version, the installation mode is determined automatically
based on the mode in which the previous version was installed. As a
standard Windows user, you may have to ask your IT to enter a
Windows administrator password. You may also be prompted to
uninstall the previous version of PlanogramBuilder as a Windows
administrator and re-launch the installation to proceed with the
- Then, follow the on-screen instructions until
installation is completed.
- You will retain all your planograms and
settings after reinstalling PlanogramBuilder.
- If you are updating PlanogramBuilder from a
previous version, you may be prompted to uninstall the previous
version and re-launch the installation to proceed with the
This setup method is convenient for IT
managers who must install PlanogramBuilder remotely.
- Close PlanogramBuilder if you already
have a version opened. If you are updating PlanogramBuilder, you
don’t need to uninstall the old version: simply follow the next
steps; you will also retain all your data.
- Download the installer and save it to your
hard drive: click on the following link or paste the link in
your web browser address field:
- Run the installer with the following
choices of command line parameters:
- In all cases, you must use either one of
these arguments:
- /SILENT: the wizard and the background
window are not displayed. The installation progress window and any
error messages during installation are displayed. Example:
PlanogramBuilderSetup.exe /SILENT
- /VERYSILENT: the wizard, the
background window and the progress window are not displayed. Error
messages during installation are displayed. Example:
PlanogramBuilderSetup.exe /VERYSILENT
- For the first installation only, you must use
one of the following arguments to avoid displaying the interactive
dialog to Select the install mode:
- /ALLUSERS: this installs the
application for all Windows users on the computer.
- /CURRENTUSER: this installs the
application for the current Windows user only.
- In all cases but optionally, you can use the
following parameter for the installer: /ACCOUNTID. This lets
you enter your account ID at installation, so the users won’t need
to enter it when they run PlanogramBuilder. Use the
PlanogramBuilder accountID which you received by email after
registering a trial version or ordering a commercial version.
Format: /ACCOUNTID=[your accountid]
- The parameters are not case sensitive.
- If the target session has no Windows
administrator rights, the main installer will have to escalate the
privilege to administrator before this call to avoid the dialog
asking for administrator credentials.
- You will retain all your planograms and
settings after reinstalling PlanogramBuilder.
- If you are updating PlanogramBuilder from a
previous version, you may be prompted to uninstall the previous
version and re-launch the installation to proceed with the