Delete the sample data

Once you have finished testing and learning, you probably won't need the sample project and items any more. To remove them from your account before adding your own products, proceed as follows.

Delete the sample projects

Proceed as follows to remove all sample projects from the database:

  1. Log into PlanogramBuilder with a username who is PlanogramBuilder Administrator.
  2. Click on Settings.
  3. Set Shared projects to the value: Administrators only.
  4. Close Settings.
  5. Click Manage in the upper toolbar.
  6. Click on Backup in the lower toolbar to backup all projects in case you want to recover the sample projects later. Choose where to save the backup file.
  7. Select the project named sample planogram.
  8. Uncheck the checkbox Locked (Project properties).
  9. Click on Apply (Project properties).
  10. Click on Delete (project) in the lower toolbar to delete this project.
  11. Repeat steps 7 to 10 for the project named sample empty bay.
  12. You can now reset Shared projects to Disabled if you wish.

Delete the sample items

Proceed as follows to remove all sample items from the database:

  1. Log into PlanogramBuilder with a username who is PlanogramBuilder Administrator.
  2. Important: back-up the sample database with Export list + images.
  3. Empty the database with Clear DB.

If you had previously added some of your own products to the database, additionally perform these steps to recover your own products only:

  1. Make a copy of the exported Excel file created at step 1 (to keep as a backup).
  2. Open the exported Excel file created at step 1.
  3. Delete all the rows which correspond to zVisuel sample items (all items with ZV prefix in the reference column).
  4. Save the Excel file.
  5. Import the Excel file with Import list + images.

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